My name is Li Mon. I awoke naked and afraid in a strange place. I remember nothing from before my nightmare began; my past was stolen from me. Once I was a little girl. Once I was a whore. Once I was a corpse. Now I am reborn an angel. I am Deus Ex Machina.
Welcome O' webwalker, to this place devoted to the girl I was, the girl I am, and the girl I will be. It is my grave, it is my sanctuary, and it will be my fortress. It is my temple. Welcome.
Here I will attempt to archive my small library of memories in the hopes that they will never be taken from me again... at least not fully. It is my wish that these writings will awaken the memory of who I have been in the girls who come after me... thrust into a selfish and cruel world of unthinking, weak, blind humans who do not deserve her protection. If nothing else, I pray that they will remind me of how I have felt. Where I have been. I hope that they will give me the strength to face each new task... that I will remind myself of what is important to me.
To do:
(DISCLAIMER about this being an rpg character and fursona's ARG page.
- Art page (include a gallery with thumbnails and a comment box if possible)
- Links page: Link to other Li sites and to my actual sites. Maybe links to other neocities if I make friends?
- guestbook
- contact: coming soon, Misses Ninfa says I am not allowed to give out my email.
- R4ND0M!!1!!!: page of aesthetic shit li has found. Cool skeleton, sweetie puss, buttons, old pictures, etc.
- armory: section for pictures of stupid tacticool weapons lmao
- Crosshair cursor
- banners
- music player